Archer and Jim Heinze, Teddi Ahrens, Sophie Gajadhar-Smith traveled to Central America. Both El Salvador and Guatemala have experienced the hardships of Covid, and they continue to be cautious, wearing masks indoors and outdoors. But they carry on. Teddi stayed in San Salvador the first two days where the Llort family hosted a book launch of the Spanish edition of Painted Joy, her biography of Fernando Llort. In Ilobasco, Archer and Jim and volunteer Sophie Gajadhar-Smith met with Campesina board members during their few days there. Teddi and Sophie taught art and crafts to the children while Archer worked with the moms. Sophie also attended classes at the Center (which Nova helped build). Teddi said: “We are heading home taking along our memories and admiration of these beautiful countries and the warm and welcoming people we’ve met.